Tuesday, September 25, 2012

...of consistency.  That would be nice.  I'm not one for consistency these days.  I mean other than getting a few horizontally challenged people off to school and back home in a timely fashion, that's where it stops.  And clearly this blogging thing hasn't caught on with me since my last (and only) post was over a year ago.  In my defense I've been terribly busy.  Reading classic literature, learning 3 new languages...waiting for the new season of the Walking Dead.  This is all time-consuming stuff.  Luckily I've been able to fit in all of the Houston Texans games (alas, on TV) so maybe I'm better at this than I thought.  You know, now that I think of it I'm probably selling myself short; I mean, I take time daily for Words With Friends, a little Zynga poker, a nice chocolate interlude of some sort...what am I stressing about?  Now if I could only get dinner on the table before midnight I'd be set!  Maybe I've got this one in the bag...